Odd time signatures can add a unique and interesting dynamic to a song. While most popular music is written in 4/4 time, there are a variety of time signatures that can add a fresh sound to a piece of music. Examples of weird time signatures include 7/4, 5/4, 7/8, and more.
The most recognizable song with a 7/4 time signature is the Pink Floyd classic “Money”. The odd time signature in the intro and throughout the song gives it a unique and memorable quality. Another example of 7/4 can be found in Radiohead’s “2+2=5”.
Another unusual time signature is 5/4. While not as rare as 7/4, it is still not commonly found in popular music. “Mission: Impossible” is one of the most recognizable songs that utilize a 5/4 time signature. The odd time signature contributes to the feeling of tension and unease that the song evokes.
In the realm of progressive rock and metal, unusual time signatures are more commonplace. Dream Theater’s “Dance of Eternity” is an impressive feat of musical complexity, featuring over 100 different time signatures throughout the song, including the odd meters of 5/8, 7/8, and 9/8.
Writing in odd time signatures can be a challenging but rewarding experience for songwriters. To start, it’s important to have a good understanding of basic music theory and time signatures. You can begin by getting a feel of standard time signatures like 4/4 and 3/4, branching out to more complex ones like 6/8, and 9/8, then enter the world of unusual time signatures.
It’s also important to listen to songs that utilize odd time signatures to gain a better understanding of how they work in practice. When writing, try to keep the rhythm consistent and use accents to make the odd meter feel more natural.
Another tip is to use a metronome to help keep track of the rhythm. This can help make the odd meter feel more solid and less jarring to the listener. It is also a great way to practice your rhythm by tapping with the metronome and making your own beat to it along the way.
In conclusion, using odd time signatures can be a great way to add a fresh sound to a piece of music. Throughout the history of music, odd meters have been used in a variety of genres to great effect. With some experimentation and practice, songwriters can incorporate unusual time signatures into their music in a way that serves the song and adds a unique quality to their sound.